New World

A New World of Possibilities.


There’s a renaissance going on in grocery with increasing competition and downward pressure on sales. With these new market forces at large New World wanted to develop a differentiated CX Strategy to remain competitive, relevant and drive growth.

The challenge

To develop New World’s CX Vision & Strategy.

To create a single view of the current assumed New World customer experience into a master customer journey map.

To validate the assumed journey and explore critical customer pain points, needs and opportunities through primary qualitative customer research. To conduct quantitative research to arrive at the prioritised customer benefits to deliver against.

To develop and visualise the overarching New World CX manifesto, design principles, CX stages, CX stage principles, Customer experience levels, Customer insights and needs, Pain points, Brilliant Basics and Experience based differentiators and the critical ‘moments that matter’.

“We wanted to bring to life a CX vision and strategy for New World, one which the whole business could get behind. We wanted to use genuine customer insight and set a north star to identify and focus on the critical ‘moments that matter’ for our customers.

We established a partnership with D&Co and worked collaboratively with their team to develop our CX strategy. The work established our CX priorities and provided absolute clarity on the key pain points and areas of opportunity to help differentiate New World in the market. We have delivered new products, services and experience enhancements and baked the insights into key processes across the business. Importantly, the strategy has helped align aligned diverse stakeholders through a common language, CX framework and decision making process.

Working with Russ and his team has been a rewarding journey and we continue to work with the team to tackle brand and CX opportunities in innovative ways.”

— David Brem, Head of Customer Experience & Personalisation, Foodstuffs NZ

Defining New World CX Strategy to Drive Future Growth.

Our solution

In today’s highly competitive marketplace, and with disruption hitting every industry, delivering customer experience excellence is one of the surest ways to drive differentiation and growth.

Creating new value and gaining brand loyalty is achieved not by focusing on specific product features or design, but by re-imagining the broader experience of how customers use your products and services.

New World could see disruption coming and wanted to create a foundation customer experience strategy that would act as a north star for the business to rally behind as it explored the future state of grocery and delivered to the moments that mattered most to its customers.

D&Co were engaged to deliver on this and set out with an extensive qualitative research programme to unearth the critical insights and pain points experienced by New World shoppers. This ethnographic research led to the team synthesising outputs and crafting clear benefit statements that were then tested through a statistically robust quantitative programme.

The resulting insights gave the team absolute clarity on what mattered most to New World customers across the omni-channel customer experience. 

Since defining New World’s CX Strategy we have worked closely with the team to develop new innovations, insight led marketing campaign ideation sprints, and new in-store service propositions aligned to the ‘Moments that Matter’ CX Strategy.


Desktop research. Mystery shopping. Shopper missions. Assumed journey mapping. Ethnographic research. Quantitative research. Synthesis. CX Strategy formation. Design Sprints.

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