
The best innovations are driven by simple, human insights – sometimes by solving problems people didn't even know they had. Using proven proprietary methods and fun, engaging processes, we’ll make sure your innovation outputs have the best possible chance of survival in a ‘why would we even bother’ customer world.

we can help

Customer Insight (Ethnography, Walk a Mile, Interviewing, Quant)

We gather deep insights through ethnography, "walk a mile" experiences, interviews, and quantitative research to understand customer behaviours, needs, and opportunities.

Growth Strategy

We develop strategic growth plans that identify new market opportunities, optimise existing operations, and drive business expansion.

Customer Opportunity Modelling

Our team creates detailed models to identify and evaluate potential customer opportunities, ensuring strategic investments and innovations align with market demands.

Concept Development

We generate and refine innovative concepts using our Experience Innovation System that align with your business goals and customer needs, ensuring a strong foundation for future development.

MVP Development

We develop Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) to test core functionalities and gather user feedback, enabling rapid iteration and validation of new ideas.

Prototyping, Testing, Iterating and Piloting

Our iterative process involves creating prototypes, testing them with real users, refining based on feedback, and piloting to ensure viability and effectiveness.

Go to Market Strategy

We design and implement go-to-market strategies that effectively introduce new products and services to the market, driving adoption and success.

Trend Reports (supported by our NYC ‘futures’ agency)

We provide comprehensive trend reports, supported by our NYC ‘futures’ agency, to keep you informed of emerging trends and innovations that can impact your business.

Innovate Case Studies

  • WEL Networks

    Unpacking our Innovation Process for We.EV

  • Z Energy

    Reimagining the Future of Loyalty

  • Z Energy

    Helping Z Energy to Innovate their way to a World First